Build a Bug


Have you ever heard of pattern blocks? They’re a GREAT learning resource for developing spatial reasoning. As children build the image, they have to practice rotating shapes to make them match the one in the picture.

If your child attends preschool or kindergarten, there’s a good chance they’re using pattern blocks in their class. But I’ve been hesitant to buy them for our house. Why? Because I’m not sure our house (or my sanity) can handle another 200 brightly colored blocks.

I found this fantastic felt version of pattern blocks and we had a blast building the bugs in the pictures!

Don’t have a Target near you or can’t find this at yours? Make your own Build a Bug!

  1. Cut some shapes out of felt or cardstock

  2. Arrange them into a bug or design of your choice

  3. Take a picture

  4. Let your child recreate from the picture you took